Salons at Stowe : Separate and Unequal, How Do We Achieve Equity in Education

Salons at Stowe 
Separate and Unequal:
How Do We Achieve Equity
in Education?  

September 22
5:30-7:30 PM
Harriet Beecher Stowe Center

Join the conversation with:
Jose Colon 
Jose Colon
Robert Cotto 
Robert Cotto
Kate Busch Gervais 
Kate Busch Gervais

Jose Colon, Hartford Public High School 
Robert Cotto, Trinity College &
Hartford Board of Education 
Kate Busch Gervais, The Discovery Center
More Information


Watch Party
Grand Opening
Smithsonian National Museum
of African American History & Culture

NMAAHC Gallery
At the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture:
The Era of Segregation Gallery including 
the segregation train car

September 24 at 10 AM
Harriet Beecher Stowe Center

The community joins together for a live viewing of the dedication ceremony for America's newest Smithsonian museum  

Preserving a  
National Historic Landmark
Work continues in the 1871 Stowe House,  
home for 23 years to
internationally famous author
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Pipes are added to bring heating and cooling to the 3rd floor. A new boiler, air handlers, and dehumidifiers will be installed in the basement and tapped into existing duct work.
A fire protection specialist sets up shop in Stowe's back parlor in preparation for new fire detection and suppression systems.
Windows have been removed from the 2nd and 3rd floors. Throughout the house, window sashes will be restored and 1960s double paned glass replaced with restoration quality glass.
Walls have been cut - this one in the dining room - to install new fire detection and suppression systems. Here, Jeff Marshall (left), construction supervisor, consults with a contractor on the location of additional lighting and wall mounted speakers.
 With your donation  
refreshed carpeting & wallpaper
 to follow! 
Go behind the scenes on  
Learn more about the
$3.3 million preservation project

The Stowe Center is open for tours
during preservation.

Museum Day Live!
September 24, 2016
9:30 AM - 5 PM
Harriet Beecher Stowe Center 

Day House

Enjoy a Stowe Center tour
with free tickets from
Smithsonian Magazine

