Naacp Harmony Classic 2016 Civic Engagement Day

Scot X. Esdaile added 2 new photos.
14 hrs
CT NAACP Harmony Classic Weekend!!!
On September 16th-17th, the CT NAACP will host their Harmony Classic Weekend at Central Connecticut State University. On Friday, September 16th, 3 workshops will be held for both adults and youth between 7:00 pm-10 pm in the Torp Theatre ( Davidson Hall) on the CCSU campus. The workshop topics are: Improving Community Relations with Law Enforcement, The Lack of Black and Hispanic Teachers in the Public School System and Get Out to Vote - GOTV.
On Saturday, September 17th, the Harmony Classic Football Game, CCSU vs. Bowie State University will begin @ 3:00 pm and the Tailgate Party will begin @ 10:00 am. Please see flyers attached for additional information or call (860) 523-9962.
VERY IMPORTANT*** volunteers will work 2 hour shifts pertaining to tailgate set up, voter registration and NAACP membership drives. For Tix, Vendor, or reserving Tailgate Space please call once again 860-523-9962 - our office hours are Mon - Frii 10am to 4pm!!!!
