Sept 3 Walk 'N Talk
Sept 6 FOEP Board Meeting
Sept 7 Green Team
Sept 8 Line Dancing
Sept 10 Walk 'N Talk
Sept 11 FOEP at the Farmer's Market
Sept 13 Nature Pals
Sept 15 Line Dancing
Sept 17 Walk "N Talk
Sept 17 SCSU Service
Sept 20 Nature Pals
Sept 22 Line Dancing
Sept 24 Walk 'N Talk
Sept 27 Nature Pals
Sept 29 Line Dancing
Oct 2 Edgewood Park Day
Nov 6 BIG! Fall Hike
or if you prefer, write a check
payable to "URI"
(Urban Resources Initiative is our fiscal agent.)
Mail to:
Friends of Edgewood Park,
c/o Parks Dept.,
720 Edgewood Ave., New Haven, CT 06515
Friends of Edgewood Park is an advocacy group for Edgewood Park. Our mission is to assist the New Haven Department of Parks and Recreation in preserving and enhancing Edgewood Park for the enjoyment of all.
or call 203 500-7777, follow us on Facebook.
You are welcome to attend our Friends of Edgewood Park board meetings. The next meeting is Tues. Sept. 6 at 6:00 PM at the Ranger Station near Edgewood and Hobart.
Stephanie FitzGerald, President, Mike Slattery, Vice President, Dana Holahan, Secretary,
Susan Lamar, Treasurer
Inger DaSilva
Jillian Driscoll
Lois Greene
Willie Hoffman
Mike Pinto
Mike Uhl
Chris Volpe
Walk Tomorrow and Saturdays in Sept; Join an Edgewood Park Running or Walking Group!
Looking for a partner or partners to walk or run in the park? If so, email Chris.
Want to join Walk 'N Talk that combines walking and health information? Saturdays, 9/3. 9/10, 9/17, 9/24. 9:00 - 10:30 am. Meet at corner of Ella Grasso Blvd. and Chapel St.
New & Continuing Activities at Coogan Pavilion!
To park, enter the park at Whalley and Fitch.
Free Line Dancing with Scheri Walker, Thursdays beginning Sept. 8, 6:30 pm
Out-of-School Care (after school & holidays) for Grades 2 - 8. Begins Oct. 3. See brochure. ContactMorgan
Coogan Tots. Ages 4 & 5 with caretaker. Mon. & Wed. 1:00-2:00 pm. Begins Oct. 17. Seebrochure. Contact Morgan
Open Recreation
For All Ages - Saturdays 2-7 pm
(Children under 10 need to be accompanied by an adult.)
For Teens (ages 12 - 15) Fridays 5 - 8 pm
Nature Pals Starts Sept 13 Tuesdays, 9:30 - 11:00 Edgewood Park Ranger Stationat the corner of Edgewood Ave. & Hobart St. For children ages 2- 4 with their caregiver For information and to reserve your spot, email NaturePalsFOEP@gmail.com |
Edgewood Park Day
sponsored by the Parks Department and Friends of Edgewood Park
Sun. Oct. 2, Noon to 4 pm.
We are looking for volunteers to help with this fun event. Please contact Jillian.
Design an Edgewood Park Day "passport"
Solicit gift card donations from nearby merchants
Buy, prepare refreshments
On Oct 2
Greet people at various venues
Serve refreshments
Provide information about the park
Provide music or other entertainment
Teach/play bocce
Other? Your ideas are welcome!
Horse drawn carriage rides
Canoe paddling
Bike safety assessments
Information tables
Bird walk
Tree walk
Stewardship in Edgewood Park
Stroll through the park to see the summer improvements! ...renovated trail surfaces, freshly painted trail markers, new trees, mulching around young trees, decorated trash barrels, freshly painted hand railings, trails cleared of overgrowth, new plantings at the Urban Oasis
Detail under the Edgewood Ave. Bridge. A Bridges of Hope service team lead by Willie Hoffman painted under the bridge on July 30. |
The FOEP Green Team meets weekly to work in the park - weeding, pulling up invasives, removing vines, mulching, etc. If you would like to join us, call 203 500-7777.
Our Wondrous Waterers
are caring for
three new tupelo trees near the Mid Bridge.
two oak trees at the playground.
two trees at the Ranger Station
the Urban Oasis (2 new trees, 20 shrubs, and 4 smaller plants.)
new shrubs near the bikeway
If you would like to join them, email or call 203 500-7777.
Two SCSU Service Teams, September 17, 10 am.They will work near the playground and at the Mid Bridge - picking up litter, trimming overgrown plants, removing invasives, improving foot trails. If you want to help coordinate their work, email.
Youth at Work
Youth at Work finished their service in our park on Aug. 5. You can read the details of their accomplishments on their blog. Youth at Work blog
FOEP at the Farmer's Market Monthly
Look for the "Friends" table the Farmer's Market on Sept 11. Dana and Chris will have park maps, calendars and information. For a donation of $5.00 or more, you will receive a gift of a Friends of Edgewood Park water bottle.