Seating is limited in each location, so sign up early for your state's training. Poynter Seminar
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NewsU Webinar
Web Headlines & SEO Essentials Sept. 5-20 Learn more. You've only got a few words—and a few seconds—to tell readers what the story (or blog posting, video or photo gallery) is about. Learn how to make every word count. Apply now. Cost: $299, Poynter Member Price: $239 Poynter NewsU Seminar
AOJ Minority Writers SeminarNov. 3-6 Learn more. This four-day seminar is intended to foster the diversity of voices necessary in the profession and to train the next generation of minority opinion journalists. Apply by Aug. 15. Offered at no charge to selected participants with a small travel stipend.
Our premier seminar for managers destined to play major leadership roles in their organizations. Refine your leadership style, update your understanding of management and media trends and tools, and receive the personal coaching necessary to accelerate your effectiveness as a leader. Apply now. Cost: $1,395, Poynter Member Price: $1,116 Apply by our early-bird deadline of Aug. 22 and you will pay just $1,250Poynter SeminarEssential Skills for New ManagersOct. 16-21 Learn more. Jumpstart your management career with this Poynter seminar, and get the skills and tools you need to succeed in this era of digital transformation. Apply now. Cost: $1,395, Poynter Member Price: $1,116 Apply by our early-bird deadline of Sept. 5 and you will pay just $1,250Poynter SeminarThe Media Innovations Tour: New Revenues for NewsNov. 14-18 Learn more. Your exclusive access to new strategies for sustaining the business of journalism. Apply now. Cost: $7,500 Apply by our early-bird deadline of Aug. 15 and you will pay just $7,000Poynter TourPoynter-NABJ Leadership Academy for Diversity in Digital MediaDec. 4-9 Learn more. A transformative, tuition-free leadership program to train journalists of color working in digital media, developed in partnership with the National Association of Black Journalists. Apply by Aug. 15. Cost: Thanks to the generous support of the program’s naming sponsor, The New York Times, as well as additional funding from Facebook, Google, Scripps Howard Foundation and the TEGNA Foundation, tuition for the academy is free.Poynter-NABJ Seminar
Communications Professional Certificate Enroll now. Learn how to shape and share your story and your brand with this certificate designed to sharpen your skills, build your confidence and give you an advantage in the workplace. Are you a journalist looking to make the transition to marketing or public relations? The courses in this certificate emphasize putting skills you already have — writing, editing, storytelling — to work in new ways.
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