Looking Forward to Chatting with Yvonne Davis on the Tom Ficklin Radio Show, Monday Morning at 10 am, August14. 2016.WNHh 103.5 fm
- So Looking Forward to Chatting with Yvonne Davis, President/CEO of Davis Communications
- on the Tom Ficklin Radio Show, Monday Morning at 10 am, August14. 2016.WNHH 103.5 fm.
- Yvonne is an International Relations Expert at Fox CT,
- Studied Strategic Planning, Strategic Thinking, Senario Planning at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University,
- Studied Leadership and Business Ethics at Duquesne University,
- Studied Political Theory at UConn,
- Studied Executive Leadership Program atHarvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government and
- The show is live streamed at the New Haven Independent web page http://www.newhavenindependent.org/ and will be archived for your on demand listening pleasure at the Tom Ficklin Radio Show Facebook Page. Tom Ficklin Radio Show.