25th Silver Anniversary Annual Walkathon Saturday, Sept. 17th ~ Beginning at 9:00 AM

SAVE THE DATE: 9/17/16
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Southern CT, Inc.

25th Silver Anniversary Annual Walkathon
Saturday, Sept. 17th ~ Beginning at 9:00 AM
“Walking & Building a Gateway to a Cure!
(5 mile Walk / 5 Run)

Your help is needed! Walk by yourself or as a team, with your organization or family
You can direct pledges to support you or your team online using the
DONATE NOW button on the scdaaofsouthernct.org Website
For additional information, Sponsor Forms, Team Forms, etc. please call:
(203) 366-8710 / 203-385-2253
E-mailscdaasouthernct@sbcglobal.netWeb: scdaaofsouthernct.org

Our goal is to have over 500 individuals Walking 
We need everyone's help to reach the goal

Together we can make a difference!!!   PLEASE PASS THIS ON!
