Thanks to Charles Musser for Sharing the Pics below

Charles Musser added 3 new photos.
2 hrs
So on a hot Saturday afternoon in the middle of summer, almost twenty people gathered at the New Haven People's Center to talk about ways we can help Corey Menafee get his job back. There is an upcoming court date on July 26th (10 am) where we need as many people to come as possible--meeting outside Calhoun College around 9:30.
But the youngest member of the group --about 11 years old––thought we needed to think bigger. So like–-in the fall all the students in all the New Haven public schools could walk out and go to Yale and demand Corey Manafee get his job back. I bet John Carlos could organize the Worthington Hooker 4th grade. Imagine New Haven students and Yale students together demonstrating outside the President's Office. Well hopefully this will all be resolved before school is back in session. If not, it is going to be an interesting fall.
