Poll: Trump Supporters Don’t Care for African Americans, but Some Clinton Supporters Don’t, Either

Poll: Trump Supporters Don’t Care for African Americans, but Some Clinton Supporters Don’t, Either: "Problem is that race—more specifically, the eternal question of black people in America—appears as a radioactive glue holding skin-color values together. Earlier this year, YouGov posed (pdf) similarly uncomfortable questions in another poll: Forty-five percent overall said that black people were “takers” (compared with just 20 percent who called us “givers”). No surprise that 65 percent of Republicans (and 50 percent of whites overall) described black folks as takers—but, more curiously, a solid 32 percent of Democrats felt the same, along with 23 percent of “liberal whites” who viewed blacks as “net takers.” In that poll, African Americans scored worse than every other racial group."
