DailyOM - Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscope

DailyOM - Cancer Daily Horoscope:

July 11, 2016

Continuous Cycle of Growth
Cancer Daily HoroscopeYou may enjoy a sense of being grounded and settled in your personal life today. You might feel content with your life circumstances or proud that your previous efforts to improve your situation have paid off. This sense of quiet satisfaction can be a lucrative time to explore the other areas of your life that you may still be working on. Today would be a good day to engage in a period of reflection on any goals that may be taking longer to manifest in your life. You might review your plans and organize your tasks in order to improve the efficiency of your efforts, or simply affirm that you are already doing all you can to bring your dreams to fruition.

We can use our quiet periods of contentment to plan and prepare for our next phase of growth and keep the cycle of improvement ongoing in our lives. It is easy to forget that our lives are a continuous process of improvement and feel a false sense of completion when we finish one phase of growth. While we can enjoy a feeling of contentment and satisfaction for our accomplishments, we must also keep looking forward and working on ways to expand our lives. By engaging in periods of reflection upon our next phase of growth, we are continuously lending our energy to the formation of better life circumstances. As you use this period of contentment to plan for the next part of your journey today, your intentions will lay the groundwork for your dreams to manifest.

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