Ct Missionary State Missionary Baptist Convention Prayer Vigil, Thursday July 14, 2016

Greetings CSMBC
In response to the most recent events in Minnesota, Baton Rouge and Dallas President Curtis is asking that we as the Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention come together for a prayer vigil and dialogue session on Thursday July 14, 7 pm at Mt. Aery Baptist Church, 73 Frank Street Bridgeport, CT-Dr. Anthony Bennett, Host Pastor.
I am asking that our Officers, Moderators and Pastors spread the word about this Vigil and dialogue, inviting all to be present. Our intent is to seek God's healing and wisdom as we prepare to speak truth to power on behalf of those victimized by injustice.
We also realize that for many families these most recent incidents have left an emotional scar. While we in no way can answer all the concerns we can facilitate discussion that may be helpful going forward.
We hope to have your presence there.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Calbert R. Brantley
Executive Secretary, CSMBC
