CLICC Founder Arthur H. White 1934 - 2014
A lifelong social entrepreneur, Arthur H. White of Stamford developed the idea for the CLICC program following many years of service on federal commissions on national employment, education, and job training issues. In 2002, he was appointed Special Assistant for education and job training at the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. In this role, he developed the idea for a program to improve the literacy of incarcerated parents, their children, and caregivers. Today, that program is CLICC.
A Harvard University undergraduate and MBA, Mr. White enjoyed a successful life in the private sector as well as years of service on numerous state and local government boards. He was a founder of the nonprofit, Jobs for the Future, which analyzes and develops responses to job education, training, and retraining needs, and of Reading is Fundamental (RIF), which has given more than 412 million new free books to children in need in the United States.
In 2007, he was designated a Purpose Prize Fellow in recognition of his continuing activities as a social innovator. We think of him often, and his example inspires us every day.