Association of Black Students in Higher Education Community Gathering. Message from Joseph Hill, ABSHE Founder

Good evening everyone,

It is with a heavy heart, and uneasy mind that I reaching out to you all to remind you about our upcoming gathering. 

We, the Association of Black Students in Higher Education, are not gathering to eat, and have fun, but to take action and figure out how to respond to the recent atrocities happening throughout our nation, OUR HOME, a place built on the strength of OUR ANCESTORS! 

What are we going to do, what are you going to do? Please, join us, and let's get the ball rolling. The building of leaders within our immediate communities will be the catalysts to repairing the damage done in our nation. 

We are Philando Castile and Alton Sterling!

 Save the date, and do not hesitate to share this email: East Shore Park on Woodward Ave & Tuttle St. in New Haven, CT 06512 on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 @1:30pm-5:00pm.

In Service and love,

Joseph Hill, A.A.
Gateway Community College '16
ABSHE Founder
