An Emotional Emancipation Circles Healing Gathering, Saturday, July 9, 2016, 11 am to 2 pm

Tomorrow 11 AM162 Edgewood Avenue, New Haven, CT
Sometimes I feel discriminated against, but it merely astonishes me. How can anyone deny themselves the pleasure of my company?” —Zora Neale Hurston

This has been a hard week. Let’s come together to breathe, to lift each other up, to be in community, to remind ourselves who and whose we are, to share our feelings, to comfort one another, to talk about the root causes of our challenges, to work on our personal and community healing, and to strengthen ourselves and each other for the journey ahead. 

Special thanks to Bea Dozier-Taylor and A Walk in Truth & Blackprint Book Store for providing the space for this healing gathering.

“When you stand in the blessings of your mother and God, it matters not who stands against you.” —Yoruba Proverb
