A Sincere Message and Invite to ALL, from Lindsay E. Curtis, President, CT State Missionary Baptist Convention

Hello All
There is absolutely no question that these have been tough and trying times in our nation, but that is nothing new for us for as people of faith who know PRAYER works. To that end I am asking each of you to join me in Prayer and Dialogue regarding the condition of our Nation. As a convention we must continue to pursue pro-active approaches which only begins with prayer seeking God’s comfort and guidance. We must also engage in meaningful discussions that will lead to a change in culture and how we view each other in our communities.
Earlier this week we met in what was a very positive meeting with Governor Malloy in which we solidified our desire to maintain open conversations and to participating in seeking out and finding solutions that will improve our relationships. Specifically, we discussed the need for on-going community policing, de-escaling conflict and the continuation of communication. This includes our community actions toward those who are sworn to protect and serve.
I truly believe that CSMBC can serve as a change agent within our state, I am convinced that the nation and our state needs us to help change the narrative, to shift the paradigm of how we interact with our law enforcement community, thus making all lives a safer place to live. On Thursday, July 14th at 7pm-8:30p we will gather at the Mt Aery Baptist Church in Bridgeport, Dr Anthony L. Bennett, Pastor for a Prayer Vigil and Dialogue.
Rev. Lindsay E. Curtis
Grace Baptist Church, Pastor
Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention, President
17 West Ave
Norwalk, CT 06854
203-838-5717 Office
203-856-1649 Cell
