Majora Carter: Urban Onshoring, Sunday June 12, 2016, 1:00 pm Yale Art Gallery- Free to the Public

Sun, June 12, 2016, 1:00pm Yale Art Gallery
MacArthur “genius” and entrepreneur Majora Carter discusses how she is building tech services companies in low-status American communities to generate jobs and new economic activity, and to develop nontraditional talent streams. Thanks to her work, the South Bronx—and communities like it—can participate as tech producers and not just consumers.
The Festival's Ideas Program Presenting sponsor is
CT Humanities.
Majora Carter is an urban revitalization strategy consultant, real estate developer, and Peabody Award winning broadcaster. She is responsible for the creation & successful implementation of numerous green-infrastructure projects, policies, and job training & placement systems.
After establishing Sustainable South Bronx and Green For All (among other organizations) to carry on that work, she built on this foundation with innovative ventures and insights into urban economic developments designed to help move Americans out of poverty.
Her long list of awards and honorary degrees include accolades from groups as diverse as Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, John Podesta’s Center for American Progress, Goldman Sachs, as well as a MacArthur “genius” Fellowship. Her 2006 TEDtalk was one of the first 6 videos to launch their groundbreaking website. Majora is a Board Member of the US Green Building Council, and the Andrew Goodman Foundation.
Majora has continually set new standards of excellence with projects in her South Bronx community, while expanding her reach through philanthropic pursuits and business interests that have all pointed toward greater self-esteem and economic potential for low-income people everywhere.
Twitter: @MajoraCarter
Facebook: /MajoraCarter
FESTIVAL BLOG: Workin' It: A Crash Course Via Podcasts Ahead of Festival 21 Ideas Program Manager Alex Ripp puts her new obsession with podcasts to work for you. Take a look at her top picks to prep you for this Ideas session.

Sun, June 12, 2016, 1:00pm
1 hr 15 min
