Commission on Equity and Opportunity

Commission on Equity and Opportunity

The commission was created through SSPA 16-3 with the mandate to focus its efforts on quality of life for members of the African-American, Asian Pacific-American and Latino and Puerto Rican populations of the state: That all such members are (A) healthy, safe and achieve educational success; (B) free from poverty; and (C) free from discrimination. 

The Commission on Equity and Opportunity is organized into three policy divisions focusing on issues affecting the following underrepresented and underserved populations: African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, and Latinos and Puerto Ricans.


Commission on Equity and Opportunity
  • 18-20 Trinity Street
  • Room 202
  • Hartford, CT 06106‑1591
  •    (860) 240‑1425
  •    (860) 240‑1476
