Communist Arrested Under McCarthyism Speaks Out at New Haven Museum

By May of 1954, McCarthyism had reached a fevered pitch throughout the United States. Federal agents came for Alfred Marder at his New Haven home, and rounded up others in the Elm City. It was sensational news; one newspaper headline screamed: “7 Leaders of Commie Party Seized in East....” The last survivor of the infamous federal persecutions of Communist Party leaders in New Haven during the McCarthy era, Marder, now aged 94, will share a vivid first-person account of FBI surveillance, phone taps, fear, and the loss of employment due to his arrest, during “The Right to Speak One’s Mind: A Conversation With Al Marder,” at the New Haven Museum on Thursday, April 14, 2016, at 5:30 p.m.
By May of 1954, McCarthyism had reached a fevered pitch throughout the United States.
