(1) Panther Baby: A Butch Lewis Community Conversation:
"Jamal Joseph, author of Panther Baby: A Life of Rebellion and Reinvention, grew up in the Bronx as Eddie Joseph. He was a high school honors student who joined the Black Panther Party in 1968 when he was 15. As a teenager, he faced a prison sentence of more than 300 years as part of the Panther 21.
Jamal was exonerated, but later served over 5 years in Leavenworth Penitentiary for helping fugitive Panther members. While behind bars, he earned his BA from the University of Kansas, graduating summa cum laude, and taught a theater group. Jamal is now a professor at Columbia University.
On Wednesday, March 2nd, at the Hartford Public LIbrary, hear Jamal speak on his experiences, and engage in discussion on the legacy of the Black Panther Party in 2016.
This event will feature Jamil Ragland, Lew Brown, Virge Lewis, and Taj Lewis. Light refreshments served at 5:30pm, program starts at 6:00. This program is presented in memory of Butch Lewis, and was planned in collaboration with his family and friends from the community.
Proudly sponsored by Hartford Community Loan Fund, Inc., Voices of Women of Color and Hartford Municipal Employees Federal Credit Union - See more at: http://www.hplct.org/classes-seminars-exhibits#sthash.3ta5904C.dpuf"