What's Next? Race, Faith, and More Join us Sunday, January 31st 10:45-2:00 to participate in worship, share in lunch, and engage in vital conversations about the intersection of race and faith!

The Center is a hub for community solutions, study of urban context issues, and exploration of ethical faith formation and practice.
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Center for the Center for Social Empowerment and Justice

What's Next?  Race, Faith, and More
Join us Sunday, January 31st 10:45-2:00 to participate in worship, share in lunch, and engage in vital conversations about the intersection of race and faith!
As issues of racial and social justice pop up more and more often in our 24-hour news cycle, many of us in the church are left confused and full of questions. How can I talk about race at church? What role does my faith have with my interaction with issues of socail justice? What if I say the wrong thing?

Please join the Center for Social Empowerment and Justice at Wellspring Church for our new quarterly series "What's Next? Race, Faith, and More." Enjoy worship, lunch, and community workshops intended for leaders from various churches who have been, or would like to be, engaged in conversations about race within our religious communities.

All knowledge and experiences levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you have been thinking about issues of faith and social justice for a lifetime or a week. We will have guest speakers and additional resources to help you think about how to continue this conversation in your own context. 

Please step outside your comfort zone and join us for worship and vital conversation.

PLEASE make sure to RSVP tofueledtochange@gmail.com or to our facebook event so we can make sure that there is enough food for everyone!
Copyright © 2016 Center for Social Justice and Empowerment, All rights reserved.

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33 S Florissant Rd,
Ferguson, MO 63135

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