Statewide survey shows higher levels of perceived safety, plus improved walkability and bikeability, in New Haven over the past three years:

Statewide survey shows higher levels of perceived safety, plus
improved walkability and bikeability, in New Haven over the past three

"WNPR's live radio program, Where We Live, recently hosted Mark
Abraham, Executive Director of DataHaven, and Anita Chandra, Director
of RAND Justice, Infrastructure, and Environment, to discuss findings
from the DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey, which completed
in-depth interviews last year with over 16,000 randomly-selected
adults throughout Connecticut."

Connecticut Improves Access to Voting
"The score was carried out for the 2016 Connecticut Civic Health
Index. This report is a unique evaluation of the depth of citizen
engagement through a variety of indicators like voting, volunteering
and other forms of community involvement, based on an analysis of the
Census Current Population Survey and other locally-available data
sources. It will be released on January 19 by a coalition of groups
including the Secretary of the State, Everyday Democracy, the National
Conference on Citizenship and DataHaven."

Mark Abraham
Executive Director, DataHaven
Fellow, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
DataHaven is a non-profit organization with a 25-year history of
public service to Greater New Haven and Connecticut. Our mission is to
improve quality of life by compiling, sharing, and interpreting public
data for effective decision making. DataHaven is a formal partner of
the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership of the Urban
Institute in Washington, DC.
