Don't forget to mark your calendar for Tuesday January 27.
Be a part of the discussion to change the bail system in Connecticut. Held at Yale Law School 127 Wall St (corner near York St) Room 120. Time: 6-8 pm.
Guest speakers Senator Gary Winfield, ACLU Atty David McGuire and Mamie Smith, Bondswoman in New Haven.
Lets work together to make the system more equal and just. As always asking those impacted by the issue to show up, speak up and be a part of the process of change. Many complain yet few work.
Lets change that dynamic in 2016.
Be a part of the discussion to change the bail system in Connecticut. Held at Yale Law School 127 Wall St (corner near York St) Room 120. Time: 6-8 pm.
Guest speakers Senator Gary Winfield, ACLU Atty David McGuire and Mamie Smith, Bondswoman in New Haven.
Lets work together to make the system more equal and just. As always asking those impacted by the issue to show up, speak up and be a part of the process of change. Many complain yet few work.
Lets change that dynamic in 2016.