"Before You Text" Sexting Prevention Curriculum TRAININGS & INFO SESSIONS

"Before You Text"
Sexting Prevention Curriculum

A free training/informational session on the new Connecticut-specific curriculum entitled "Before You Text" is now scheduled in three locations. This training is provided to Juvenile Review Boards, Youth Service Bureaus, LIST members, school personnel, court personnel, police and others.

The curriculum is a multi-module tool used to address the issues regarding sexting, use of social media, and related CT law. It is intended for youth and parents and can be taught by anyone. It can be taught as an entire program or module by module, depending on the need of the audience. This curriculum can be used in a variety of venues to fit a variety of needs such as part of a JRB case plan, a YSB program, in the schools, and in other community agencies. This training is not mandatory for those teaching the curriculum, but is an opportunity to review the modules, ask questions and review CT specific law. 

The trainings will be facilitated by Fran Carino (Office of the Chief State’s Attorney), Leon Smith (Center for Children’s Advocacy), and Erica Bromley (Juvenile Justice Liaison, CYSA).

"Before You Text" Training/Informational Sessions Schedule:

Monday, February 8, 2016 – 2:00-4:00 pm (Capacity of 100)
Montville Town Hall (Council Chambers)
310 Norwich New London Turnpike
Uncasville, CT

Monday, February 22, 2016 – 10:00 am – 12:00pm (Capacity of 50) 
Burroughs Community Center
2470 Fairfield Ave
Bridgeport, CT

Monday, March 7, 2016 - 2:00-4:00 p.m. 
location tba in
Middletown, CT

<http://ctyouthservices.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bf7872a67bf18df1881a23ceb&id=8a676625ab&e=0328926020> TO REGISTER 
