BAEO Releases New Report on the State of Education in Black America During National School Choice Week


BAEO Releases New Report on the State of Education in Black America During National School Choice Week

This week marks National School Choice Week (NSCW) when a diverse coalition of education reform organizations join forces to shine a spotlight on high-quality education optionsfor children across the country. As a compliment to the occasion, we are happy to announce the release of our national report on The State of Education in Black America2015.
The report discusses effective parent choice and education reform policies and makes clear that gaps in the academic achievement of children from low-income and working-class Black families still persist, and more work needs to be done to ensure all children can achieve the American dream.
Highlights show that among the 1.6 million students in the class of 2014 who took the SATs, 43 percent of them earned a 1550 benchmark for college and career readiness, but only 15 percent of Black students did so. And while the 39 percent share of the 1.8 million students in the class of 2014 who took the ACTs and met three or more benchmarks for college and career readiness is nothing to write home about, even more disturbing was the fact that a scant 11 percent of Black students did so.
You can download a full copy of the report here.  We encouraged you to share widely and to follow our social media postings all week on other highlights from the report.
See how our state teams are celebrating National School Choice Weekhere!
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