The Church of Bethlehem

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November 15, 2015                                                                    Vol. 7 #47
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In this issue

In the face of violence, what are we to do? In the wake of violence, what are we to do? When living with the personal battles between hope and resignation, what are we to do?
The events in the news from Yale to Paris are most troubling. We may think that these events are 'over there' but in reality, we are over there as well. There is very little distance between us as the world has become so much smaller.

With social media at our disposal, people were getting information about what was happening in Paris long before mass media. People in Paris were posting updates and messages on Facebook to let the world know that they were all right. Personal reporting was happening more rapidly than mass media ever could.

Without question, events such as this have us all arrive at a point of solemn reflection. It is sobering to get the news about an act of terrorism unfolding. It is even more troubling when something like this happens in unexpected places and times.

Clearly, our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been impacted by these events. But what is the prayer that one is to pray? What is the "right" prayer in times like these? What are we to do?
When Jesus faced a challenge, he would go off and pray. The Bible clearly states that he would 'go apart for a while' and spend time with The Father. It is not noted that he went off and gathered more weapons to "outgun" those who opposed him.
The scripture that comes to mind is from the sermon on the mount. The line from The Beatitudes where it says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God, captures the directive. It is almost an instruction. We are to make peace. The children of God are to make peace.
Take a moment today and everyday to pray for peace. After all, that is who we are - peacemakers.
God bless,
Rev Leon

This message is inspired by 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 and Matthew 5:9.
Remember Others in Prayer

  • Paris, France
  • Gene Armstead
  • Wally Torin
  • Nicholas Lewis
  • Yale University
  • Stephanie
  • Claremont Lafayette Presbyterian Church
  • Unity Temple of Denver
  • Montclair Unity Church
  • Monumental Baptist Church
  • The Church of Bethlehem 
Regardless of the size of your faith, pray.

Even faith the size of a mustard seed bears results.
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God Bless You.
