Peter and Jonathan

I was not able to attend much of the  annual Association of Yale Alumni Delegate Assembly this year
but  I was able to hear President Salovey and Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway provide a campus update.

Recent events at Yale and around the nation have once again brought campus activism into the spotlight. Here in fact is the link to the email sent by President Salovey a few days ago detailing Yale's actions moving forward.Toward a Better Yale,

I am still enveloped with mixed creole emotions after hearing Peter and Jonathan's no doubt heartfelt and sincere reflections and comments this morning.

Why is it in 2015 that at of all places where the best and brightest are gathered  that the universal human weaknesses of social interaction flare, burn, smolder and sometimes ignite?

At a  premier research and learning institution, one would have possibly thought that even creating a model incubator of human peacemaking would have been possible.

Even if not replicable to have not  created and demonstrated by this time the possibility that  under controlled  campus conditions  love, peace and learning could become the curriculum and  mission continues to haunt my mind.

For God, Country and Yale continues to have relevance, but for whom?

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