Chicago Set for Protests Over Shooting by the Police - The New York Times

Chicago Set for Protests Over Shooting by the Police - The New York Times:

Father Pfleger said that protests would be necessary after the video’s release, and that organizers were planning what form those should take. He said officials at City Hall called for peace during a conference call with community leaders on Thursday. He said he had also been invited to a meeting with the police in the coming days.
Police officials said Friday that plans for after the video’s release were still being made, and provided few specifics. Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the police department, issued a statement: “As you have seen over the past few years, C.P.D. works tirelessly to protect people’s First Amendment rights, and residents of Chicago have exercised those rights in a peaceful way.”
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, whose Rainbow PUSH Coalition is based in Chicago, said he was upset that officials had tried to withhold the video until now.
“I know it’s a national disgraceful situation, and it will attract people around the country,” Mr. Jackson said, adding at another point, “My greatest fear is not the protest, but if there is no protest.”
