Teacher Feature- Ona Hawk

Teacher FeatureOna Hawk- Website

Ona Hawk is bringing the light of Kemetic Yoga forth to her community and abroad. Her dedication and superb understanding of this ancient system coupled with her unique training etiquette lets her deliver a refreshingly sound, articulate and comprehensive style of teaching. Although a practitioner of Yoga for only three years, the knowledge and experience she applies from a degree in history (Clark Atlanta University), holistic health and live food education, and training in the African martial art of Capoeira Angola make her yoga practice and teaching true examples of the holistic nature that Yoga was intended to be.

Having taught herself most of what she knows about Yoga, she attributes her success to a sound system and many hours of daily practice. Her hard work has earned her a RYT 200 certification (2013) and positions as founder and owner of Firehawk Yoga Studio (2013), host of Atlanta’s Kemetic Yoga certification course (2014, 2015), master workshop leader at the first Soul Yoga Fest in Chicago (2015) and assistant teacher at the Kemetic Yoga certification course in Jamaica (2015). Ona’s mission is to continue to uphold the philosophy, history and techniques built on ancient African sciences and to keep the learning available to empower her community with knowledge of self through a practice that connects descendents of the African Diaspora with their own African ancestors. “She takes to heart her instruction and practices as it was intended. Therefore she is on her way to mastering this system.” – Master of Kemetic Yoga
