Libra New Moon, The Next Intense Energy

Libra New Moon, The Next Intense Energy

The Libra New Moon – The next intense Energy Wave is coming!

libra new moon 2014Dear Friends,
here we go off into the next intense New Moon energy changes. Only ten days after the doors of the intense September frequencies has closed, powerful Libra impact is testing us for balance and equality in partnerships! It was not a lot of time for integration, but this is how the new world roles… quick and profound in vibration. And the themes we are working on collectively are still the same, passed on from one star sign to the other, to be understood on all levels of our colorful multidimensional existence. As usual Indigo Children, Crystal Children and High Sensitive people are well of to know about the challenging aspects of this Libra New Moon well ahead, as the impact will start to make a difference in your emotions – from as early as tomorrow on!!
Be prepared, so you can hold yourself in a proactive space!! 
The Libra New Moon on Oct 12-13 is intense. The Sun and Moon are coupled in Libra. They are in direct opposition to Uranus. He is in Aries. The harmony you seek may not be possible with this energy. You may need to stand up for yourself. Uranus throws curve balls. Surprises. Unexpected events may occur. You may be feeling restless or anxious. These potent energies are changing you to the core of your being. Be true to who you really are. You are awakened to your soul desires. What does your soul desire? What is true for you. Relationship issues are front and center at the Libra Moon. You are in relationship with Life. You are in relationship with your money, astrology, health and so on. Relationships are your mirrors. They reflect both your light and darkness. What is being revealed to you at this New Moon? What are others reflecting back to you. Libra rules balance and justice. Uranus is the awakener. Uranus will bring to your attention certain aspects in your relationships that you may have not considered. What is not built on Truth cannot last in this climate of change. There needs to be Love in your union. Co-dependency is not love. Enabling others is not love. Keeping the peace at all costs is not love. These is the shadow side of Libra.
• Are you speaking your truth?
• Are you standing for what you believe?
• Are you being true to yourself?
We need justice in our lives. We need justice in our governments and intuitions. The Libra New Moon is bringing this to light. Let go of what is not serving you. The most important relationship you are having is with you. How is that going? Without you what really matters? Love you more than the need to be in a relationship. Love you more than the need for that addiction. Love you more than the need for other people’s approval. Love you. Do what empowers you. Be in love with life. The New Moon is a wake-up call. This is about sweeping your life clean. Unhealthy relationships need to go. Routines fall by the wayside. Structures that you thought were reliable crumble. Things that you may have thought were dependable end. For a cycle, you may feel adrift. You are in transition. Then new doors open and a new chapter begin. You are ushered into a new phase of life. Ultimately, the changes and/or losses place you squarely on a new path that you are supposed to be traveling. Your eyes open to the beauty of all that is you. You are loved. You are never alone. The word alone means All One. You are creating the space for true love to enter your life. Pluto is challenging both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) Hidden agendas may be brought to light.liPower struggles. Emotional confrontations. These will upset the balance in relationships. Pluto rules the shadow side in human nature. Be aware of your projections. Be awake when other people are projecting their negative behavior onto you. Keep your boundaries. Protect yourself. Flow with the changes. You are being transformed. Keep an open mind. Be proactive. Do not be reactive. That only adds fuel to the fire. Cooler heads will prevail. Be calm. Be centered. Be grounded. Pluto rules death and rebirth. You may have to encounter powerful pressures from inside you. Pluto is testing you. Forcing you to make radical changes in your life. Shift out of old patterns of behavior that are not serving you. Create the space for positive change in your life. What is not working will breakdown. Relationships, machinery and/or situations may breakdown. Some people may be on a power trip. Transformation occurs as you release relationships that no longer serve your life purpose. Be who you truly are. Not whom you think you are supposed to be. This is the true meaning of transformation. These planets will only take what is obsolete. They will not take what you need for your soul evolution. Do what empowers you. Be the change agent for your life.
• How are you using your power?
• What is breaking down?
• Where do you need a breakthrough?
Confrontation with another can be beneficial if you are using it to clear the air. Know where you stand. However, if you are verbally or physically abusive. This is the dark ugly side of Pluto. Guilt and jealousy are the ego’s way of controlling you. This is not love. This is fear. Do not be a tool for the dark forces. Do not surrender your power by allowing another to control you. The truth works. If something is not true, it will not work for you. What is your truth? If you find yourself in a power struggle. The best thing to do is to be honest about how you feel. Try to create a win/win.  Find the common ground and work out a solution. Seek out what is fair. If you are feeling guilty about something that means you are supposed to do it. Listen to your soul. There is good news. Mars is in a positive energy flow with Pluto on Oct 15. You can make positive changes in your life. You will feel ambitious. You may have high energy. This empower you to get things done. This is a good time to evaluate your objectives. This is excellent for the formulation of your long-range goals. Take action now! Believe in your dreams coming true.413e2e88928334a511090aadc4d24491Mars couples with Jupiter on Oct 17. This too is good news. You may be feeling strong. You may have tons of energy. This is great for working out physically. You want to watch out for over doing it. Jupiter has a tendency to make you over reach. The Sun enters the sign of Scorpio on Oct 23. This energy requires you to dive deeper. Make a commitment. It can give you the determination to overcome all obstacles. Scorpio plays for keeps.
• What does your heart desire?
• What is your truth?
• What gives you passion?
There is more good news. Venus couples with Jupiter on Oct 25. This is a lucky energy. A great day to win the lottery. Being kind will open doors for you. You can count your lucky stars. The Libra New Moon is dramatic. You have the Sun, Moon and Juno in Libra. Mercury is direct in Libra. The North Node is in Libra. Venus is the ruler of Libra. Saturn is challenging her. Neptune is in opposition to Venus. You can make your dreams real. See people for who they are not whom you want them to be. Dreams do come true. You are in relationship with life. Do not be a bystander. Get involved. Go out and help the children. Help the animals. Be the change you want to see in the world. You are the one that you have been waiting for. Make it happen. New Moons are new beginnings. Now is the time for action. Launch that new business. Launch your new website. You are powerful creator. What do you want to create?You are here to Live Your Best Life. Love Your Business. Love your life. Work with Passion. The Law of Attraction is always matching. The energy you send out. Is the results that you get back? What are you broadcasting? It is time for radical change. It is time to deal with the problem directly.hhDo what is right for you. Do what empowers you. You want to be in right relationship. Right work. Right living location. The right environment that encourages your creativity. Affirm in the positive what you want to attract. Thank you for the new opportunities that are now in my life. Thank you for the abundance that is mine. Thank you for my wonderful soul mate relationship. Do not get ready for what you want. Be ready. No matter the question, love is the answer. Love you. Love life. Love one another. Love.
“Love comes to you at this time. You are treasured because you are you.” — Ivo/Lisa Dorr
Best advice to stay centered is spend time alone into nature – maybe even in prayer. Spend time with plants and pets. Engage in conscious breath-work. Connect with your higher-self and allow your Spirit Guides to take you by the hand on this next step into the Golden Age of Aquarius!!! 
Love and Blessings Edith
