John Oakes: Evidence for Christianity

John Oakes: Evidence for Christianity:

Friday, October 16 2015, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM 
9 Days until this Event
Dr. John Oaks will be speaking about God and evidence for events in the Bible. Last time he came to speak well over 200 people attended. 
John teaches classes to adult groups, campus, singles and teens. Subjects he teaches classes on include: God, Science and the Bible; History, Archaeology and the Bible; Messianic Prophecies; Daniel, Prophet to the Nations; From Shadow to Reality; How We Got the Bible; Book of Revelation, Book of Ezekiel, Post-Exile Prophets, Book of Luke, Jesus: Man, Myth or Messiah?; The Bible, From God or Man?: The Problem of Pain and Suffering; Church History; Old Testament Survey; The Book of Hebrews; The Resurrection; Christian World View; World Religions; Induction, Deduction and Revelation: Knowing God’s Will; Mormonism; Jehovah’s Witness; History of Baptism: Into Christ; and Eldership: Qualities or Qualifications? and many more. He has taught in various locations in the USA and abroad. He has taught in more than sixty countries, for more than 150 churches and organizations, and for more than 35 universities and colleges.
To learn more about John Oaks and his work supporting Christianity please visit is webpage:

This event is open to all, please come
Event Category:
On-Campus (includes Depot)
