sliver of a full moon

sliver of a full moon:

Sliver of a Full MoSlon is a portrayal of resistance and celebration. It is the story of a movement that restored the authority of Indian tribes over non-Indian abusers to protect women on tribal lands. Although thousands contributed to this victory, Sliver of a Full Moon follows the story of five Native women who took a stand and two Native men, including Congressman Tom Cole, who stood with them to win this victory. But this “victory” doesn’t include our sisters in Alaska. As re-authorized by President Obama on March 7, 2013, Section 904 of the Act limits the restoration of jurisdiction to “Indian country,” thereby explicitly excluding 228 federally recognized tribes in Alaska. Consequently, Sliver of a Full Moon asks the question: what will it take to restore the jurisdiction of all tribes to protect the lives of all native women? Together, we will create the answer.
