Farrakhan calls on Black press | The Miami Times | Serving South Florida's African American Community since 1923

Farrakhan calls on Black press | The Miami Times | Serving South Florida's African American Community since 1923:

The Black press answered a call by Minister Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, to help him spread the word about the 20th anniversary of Million Man March, this time entitled “Justice or Else.”
The “Justice or Else” march will demand justice from the government and fair dealings with Blacks. will focus on justice for women, Blacks, Native Americans, poor whites and armed forces veterans. Farrakhan said there is a need for all religious denominations to come together.
About 38 newspapers joined a conference call arranged by National Newspaper Publishers Association Region 3 President Richard Muhummad of the Final Call to speak with Farrakhan about the reason for the march and to encourage the Black press to impress upon the community the importance of unity.
“It was the Black press 20 years ago that contributed to the success of the Million Man March in 1995,” NNPA leadership wrote. “The NNPA today has another opportunity to take leadership in helping to mobilize our communities to participate.”

Farrakhan said he is calling all who feel disenfranchised to join him on the Washington Mall on Oct. 10. He asks that people join the movement at #JusticeorElse.
“Unity is more powerful than a hydrogen bomb,” Farrakhan said. 
