The Community Fund for Women and Girls Present the Event of the Year with Gloria Steinem


Celebrating 20 years of advancing women and girls
The Community Fund for Women & Girls is our region’s only endowment focused on the social and economic advancement of women and girls. We advance women’s influence and gender equity through education, information and convenings and we make grants to programs and services for women and girls to be successful.

We need you.
WG 20thanniversary Save the Date
I would like to be notified by email when tickets become available for the Community Fund for Women & Girls' 20th Anniversary luncheon, featuring Gloria Steinem with Teresa Younger, president & CEO of the Ms. Foundation for Women.

Friday October 30, 2015
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Omni Hotel at Yale in New Haven

Please send a reminder to my friend(s):


Latest Newsletter Available

Read about:
  • the Feminism's Frankensteins event featuring Courtney Martin
  • the impact of the Fund on the local Boys & Girls Club
  • Advisory Board member, Nancy Yao Maasbach
  • what happened at the September meeting of Board and Alumnae members 
  • who won the first Susan. M. Lewin Leadership Award

Thank you to all who attended our recent event Feminism's Frankensteins. Did you miss it? Click here for photos. 

Fund Fast Facts

  • Has awarded and committed over $950,000 to advance women and girls since 1995
  • Over 17,000 women and girls have participated in fund supported programs
  • Grants have reached all ages– girls (20%), teens (25%), women (28%) and mature women and intergenerational programs (27%).
  • Grants awarded are in health (33%), economic security – including education (32%), violence prevention, political participation and enrichment programming (22%) and cross multiple issue areas (13%).
  • grants by geography: 39% in the Greater New Haven region, 30% in New Haven, 19% in the suburbs and ring communities (including the Lower Naugatuck Valley) and 12% statewide and beyond.

Make A Donation Today

Who would you like to honor or memorialize?
This information will appear on the acknowledgement.


Nancy Yao Maasbach, Chair
Susan Garcia Nofi, Vice Chair
Heather Calabrese, TreasurerCarol Ross, Immediate Past Chair
Shelly Saczynski, Community Foundation Board Liaison

Advisory Board

Susan Addiss
Elaine Battles
Ethel Berger
Mary Beth Congdon
Miriam Gohara
Annie Harper
Mubarakah Ibrahim
Karen Lenahan
Liza Petra
Jana Shea
Betty Trachtenberg
Janna Wagner
Cynthia Watson
