HHC Subcontractor Pre- Bid and ITB: Fair Haven Project

Subcontractor Pre-Bid and ITB: FAIR HAVEN PROJECT
The Glendower Group, Inc., New Haven Housing Authority & Haynes Construction
Eastview Terrace Phase 2, Eastern Street, New Haven (7 Bldgs, 25 Units)
Chatham Street Development, 197 Chatham Street, New Haven (4 Bldgs, 32 Units)
Subcontractor Pre-Bid 7--27-15 @ Eastview Terrace Community Center, 185 Eastern Street,
New Haven 4:30 pm to 6 pm
Subcontractor bids Due:  Friday, August 7, 2015
Project documents available via ftp link below:
Chatham Street: Apply Here
Eastview Terrace: Apply Here
Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 dawnlang@haynesconstruction.com
HCC encourages the participation of all Verteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Business
