Three Strikes and You are Out or Are We Sentenced to Endure Media Poison the next Year and a Half?

I am a media junkie( some would say also pusher)....

I feed on news and content and share a little myself?

However, this republican party nomination race is making me feel only half american.

I want to be free  to feel that all candidates care about me and want my vote.

I do not want to feel
abandoned and segregated.

It has been bad enough to see past tokens like Condi and Colin provide me with distant hope that both parties could care about me.

These days , each time a new republican candidate enters the race it is a like a repetitive sting that he or she considers me invisible.

It is not perhaps so bad,  for even if elected ( God help us all) which ever elephant nominee (no I am not a closet Christie hater) wins the race to their white top I can still google James Brown. And yet, each announcement speech, press event and email does not have me in mind.

There are some crossover republican wannabees, but Rand can play the elvis card and mimic my songs but until he dresses up like Big Mama Thornton he will not get me vote.!
