We Speak Your Name Rev. Dr. Rena Joyce Weller Karefa-Smart

Black Alumni Yale Divinity School

The first Jackie Robinson, the first black NBA basketball player, the first black women to graduate from the Yale Divinity School, true stories, real stories, fundamental stories, love stories of pride, passion and pursuit of vision. Worthy stories, historical stories, remarkable stories and yet...

 As a journalist and historian, I often wonder what about the untold , never to be known, buried and destroyed stories of human aspiration, hung, thrown away, discarded and strewn across the landscape of the planet? What about those stories?

What about the young ladies , emerging female flowers of brilliance seeking to attend the Yale Divinity School? We will never know about them- historical refuse and buried afterthoughts not even meriting a footnote.

And yet we  can honor them. We will not know them. We will not read about them. We will not attend their funeral nor place a marker on their grave.

But we can honor them by knowing that we sleep, rest, revive and yes breathe due to their longing, their desire and their unfulfilled quest.

How you might ask. Listen, Listen they continue to send you instruction. Cloaked in code, wrapped in joyous song shrouded sometimes in temporal despair.

The trouble they saw , we will not see. The stony road will traverse via Uber. The fix that has come to us, they prayed for. The walking around all day we can now do. We can get on board when they could not buy a ticket.

Listen my children. Honor them. Still Praise and let your let your light shine. They provided the lamp , the oil,  and the tears everlasting.

Yale Black Semiinarian 2015 Graduation Banquet, which honored among others Rev. Dr. Rena Joyce Weller Karefa-Smart


Gaye WP said…
Oh how beautiful! Thank you for sharing.