An American Dilemma

The City of Baltimore was once visited by Frederick Douglas and of course Lord Baltimore had something had something to do with it along with Ray Lewis.

It is unlikely that Freddies Dead will become the Baltimore theme song played at Camden Yard's during the 7th inning stretch.

But this most recent American Dilemma did not start with Gunner Myrdal.
"An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy is a 1944 study of race relations authored Gunnar Myrdal"

The Kerner Report provided additional insight and yet if one read's Dubois' Philadelphia Story it seems that Baltimore could have just replaced the word Philadelphia with the same historical accuracy remaining in place.", 

The American Dilemma did not start with the 3/5ths clause, nor with Rodney King. And the Naacp National Conference taking place in Philadelphia this July will not Free Mumia, who by the way is ill at the moment.

We know the rhetoric, America needs healing. Racism is rampant. Yet in my addicted personality of optimism, these stony roads for some and glittering bit coin roads for others still lead to daily opportunity to be a history and herstory maker.

We are all a key part of the American Dilemma.

Each and every one of us carry a  piece of the code toward the implementation of the solution. Linking these individual codes and collectively programming remains the key.
