Public Coffers- Public Will- Public Largess- Who Controls the Beef?

The current state budget discussions once again reveals the who, what, where and when of who controls the lock box. The keys to the public coffers, the public largess, the production of substance versus shaff and the dynamic interchange between the body politic and the political body is once again on display. 

Why some programs are cut and why some are not, why somethings are protected and other things are considered vulnerable is not a static state situation. 

Budget cycles, short legislative sessions, long legislative ,public hearings and closed door sessions provide the clear opportunity to witness if not participate in the monopoly game of circumstance, organization chart position and ownership.

Some will suggest that government is amoral and is just an economic mechanism to regulate the on of off levers of funding flow . Others might suggest that government has a higher purpose, even a moral purpose if not at least a value purpose.

Whether every citizen is "entitled " to a value meal or a food stamp, the spectrum of banquets to soup kitchens, the journey from gold coast to no coast,  illustrate that "What's Cookin" and " What's for Dinner" could depend upon who is doing the cooking and "guess who is invited to dinner?" 

The cost of membership in the Breakfast Club might be too high or might not be necessary anyway.

Regardless, once again here we are and there is no escape.


Ficklin Media Note:

My good friend Stephanie Barnes, from the New Haven Boys and Girls Club posted the thoughts below which generated my random commentary above 
Finalizing written testimony for tomorrow's presentation to the CT State Legislature's Appropriations Committee. Boys & Girls Clubs throughout the state, as well as other youth serving organizations in New Haven have been zeroed out of the Governor's budget. I'll be posting ways for the community to get involved and restore funding over the next few weeks, months. Taking action! Stand up for CT's kids! ‪#‎boys‬&girlsclubs ‪#‎bgcnewhaven‬
