Good Will toward Men , except the Irish, N and Dogs

  I really do not care whether you celebrate Kwaaza, St Pattie's Day, St Valentines Day, Free Mumia Day or Wear Pink, Red , Black and Green. 

This 'thing" we call humanity is also clearly a tragedy in some respects. Whether you have walked across the Edmund Pettus Bridge or  voted for George Wallace in the 1968 primary or thought about naming your son Barack, history and herstory seems be a scandalous how to get away with  murder 247365 all time best seller in some quarters and at the same time a solid gold investment as well.


Whether you have ever voted or participated in the electric slide , whatever this thing we call life is to you, museums for my two cents bring home not only sweet alabama but also can help our altar egos worship , pray , cry, persevere and even rejoice !

Thanks to Ray Andrewson for sharing the link below.
