Equality Re- Imagined

Just returned from attending the Equality Re- Imagined Conference held at the ISPS Center for the
Study of Inequality at Yale University.

 We can debate whether conversation, discussion and research can inform and even influence action.

Nonetheless, municipal, state and federal government continues to organize, dispense and identify benefits  and penalties for citizens.

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It is not perhaps tantamount to the biblical dictum but the thought that the government  taketh and the government taken away certainly has operational reality.  Tax collection, arrest , sentencing, licenses  labeling and speed limits  reminds us that perhaps the old phrase of the only thing certain is death and taxes might true.

Equality, Inequality, the 1/10th of 1%,  the recent book Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty and the more recent Lani Guinier book The Tyranny of the Meritocracy
reminds us that how we define and describe "society" and how we measure the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness American social contract seems to be under great scrutiny once again.

What is the role of  the academic world might be a moot question. For  like the government , the educational industry also can rage. How do we not only rage against the many machines but act in order to  benefit more with less harm might become the communal quest regardless of where you are tilling the fields.

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Hat's off to the ISPS Center for the Study of Inequality and live long and prosper !

Conference Invite
