Photo Album Role of Corporate Boards When Driving Diversity- Wall Street Project Economic Summit

Ficklin Media Facebook Album Role of Corporate Boards When Driving Diversity

 Corporate Board Role When Driving Diversity

Wall Street Project Economic Summit, Panelists included among others, Earl T. Graves,Jr. Bruce S. Gordon, John W. Rogers

Ficklin Media Photo Album 


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The 18th Annual Push Coalition & Citizen Education Fund took place this week at the Sharaton New York Times Square where the Reverend Jesse Jackson lead their Wall Street Economic Summit. Many of this year's speakers and seminars over the last three days included Steve Ballmer, Alfred C. Liggins, Charles Rangel, Earl Graves, Jr., Jineea Butler, and Brian Krzanich. Rev. Jackson and I sat down briefly to talk about the diversity blueprint for Wall Street and the latest issues centering around the nation's rapid police shootings.
