State of Connecticut African American Affairs Commission (AAAC) Calls for Action after New York and Ferguson Decisions
African-American Affairs Commission
State Capitol 210 Capitol Avenue – Room 509
Hartford, CT 06106
For Immediate Release December 8, 2014
Contact: Glenn A. Cassis, Executive Director
Press Release: State of Connecticut African American Affairs Commission (AAAC) Calls for Action after New York and Ferguson Decisions
The State of Connecticut African American Affairs Commission (AAAC) is deeply concerned with the numerous attacks that have been made against the oppressed and exploited African-American communities, state and nationwide by those who are entrusted to protect members of the community. We call for an end of brutality and misuse of authority as well as the severest sanctions against those in law enforcement that show little regard for individual civil and human rights. We call for better race relations throughout Connecticut and the country.
In the wake of nationwide protests prompted by the decisions of grand juries in Staten Island, New York and Ferguson, Missouri not to indict police officers in the chokehold death of Erick Garner and the shooting death of Michael Brown plus the fatal shooting of 12 year old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio, we hereby call for action! We call for grievances and protests to be demonstrated and resolved in a civil and most responsible constitutional manner.
The Commission strongly urges the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) to direct the Police Officer Standards and Training Council (POST) to immediately enforce Public Act No. 14-166, An Act Concerning Complaints That Allege Misconduct by Law Enforcement Agency Personnel, passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor Malloy in June 2014. This is just one important measure the Connecticut public can be assured that government is accountable and will protect its citizens from abuses of authority.
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