People's World Amistad Awards - "People & Nature Before Profits"

Joelle Fishman shared a link.

Join our social and economic justice community allies in the New Haven-based People's World in celebrating the contributions of three wonderful leaders and role...

Sun, 12/07/2014 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Join our social and economic justice community allies in the New Haven-based Peoples World in celebrating the contributions of three wonderful leaders and role models who challenge economic and racial inequality, are in the forefront to get out the vote for jobs, health care, union rights, immigrant rights, protecting our planet, and the needs of youth. This year's honorees include AFT Connecticut Community Engagement Coordinator Daniel Durant, UNITE-HERE Local 35 Chief Steward Meg Riccio and SEIU Local 32BJ Area Leader Alberto Bernandez.
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Click here to purchase tickets in advance online.
Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School
177 College St.
New Haven, CT
