Mark Your Calendars...
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Brief Conference Prep Meeting after church today.
In preparation for the October Reconciliation
Ministries national meeting to be held at Church on the Rock, New Haven,
we will be holding a brief meeting for potential volunteers right after church. Please help us to make this an excellent event by planning to help out!. We won't keep you long! Thanks, and God bless you!
Friday, August 22 1-4 PM
Volunteers needed for Lincoln Bassett Back 2 School Event
The Adopt-a-School program will be helping out at the Lincoln-Bassett "Party with a Purpose" Back to School event. If you can help out, please let us know by emailing Volunteers
are need to help manage the people flow among the various activities.
There is also a need for those of you who can do face-painting! Also, if
you are interested in being a volunteer during the school year, please
let us know! It's going to be a positively exciting year at the school.
Saturday, August 23,2014
Church clean-up day!
All hands on deck! Many hands make light work! We'll be gathering at the church at 9am.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Gang of Dads Interest Meeting.
mentors and moms of boys 8-18 in need of mentors are invited to this
meeting where the vision of Gang of Dads will be shared. Men, we need
Friday, August 29, 2014 7pm
Men's Fellowship featuring Pastor Todd Redden from Syracuse, NY.
you have been around our ministry long enough, you already know what a
great time we are in for! We'll be meeting at the church at 7pm.
Wednesday, September 24 and October 1, 2014
"Leadership" Meetings with Pastor Chandler and China Cleveland
whole church is invited for these special 2 part mid-week training
events with the dynamic and anointed Cleveland's! Be sure to invite
friends and family.
Friday and Saturday 9/26,27
Marriage Conference
The Clevelands will conduct this year's Marriage Conference, "Are We There Yet?". Be sure to sign up!
And probably the most important event on the calendar.......
10 days of Prayer
September 25 through October 4, 2014
us for a special state-wide time of fasting, prayer, and consecration.
This 10 day event is being coordinated statewide, with prayer meetings
being hosted at different churches each night. Church on the Rock will host the event on Monday, September 29, 2014. We hope to have several churches represented that night. Summer is over and it's a great time to press in to God as we, practically speaking, embrace a new year! Read more about it Here.