Why Science: Better Teachers. Better Students. Better World

Brought to you by Why Science® - providing cloud based customizable inquiry-based learning systems that challenge students to learn.
Bulletin Issue 37
July 2014

In This Issue

MineCraft™ Expo
Hillhouse Wins Science Fair
New Partnerships
Get Ready for Common Core

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Why Science Sponsors Mine-O-Rama 2014 
If you have kids or students that play Minecraft™ here's some cool news: Why Science® was chosen as the software platform of "The Greatest Science Fair Ever", in conjunction with Minecraft convention, MineORama™ in New York City, being held July 12-13, 2014.

Read More About Our Sponsorship

New Why Science Results

and Winning at New Haven Science Fair

We've got more proof that our modules and learning system is improving schools and expanding STEM education:

Hillhouse High School students took 1st and 3rd place, and won several special awards, at the New Haven Science Fair.  This is the second year in a row they have used the Why Science software as the foundation for their research and written reports.  With 12 science fair awards in only a two year period, this is not only a dramatic improvement in science fair performance, but the first consecutive wins in the 150 year history of Hillhouse High School.

Read the Full Story 

New Partnerships for Why Science

Many Mentors, whose mission is to inspire and encourage middle and high school students to pursue careers in STEM, has joined forces with Why Science to expand Many Mentors online peer mentoring program using the Why Science Learning System.
Learn More About Many Mentors

Little Scientists founder Dr. Heidi Gold-Dworkin has partnered with Why Science to develop Little Scientist K-8 STEM curriculum into Why Science Learning Modules.

Learn More About Little Scientists

Are You Ready for Common Core?

The Why Science Learning System complements your teaching style and is Common Core and NGSS ready.  We invite you to see a full demonstration to see just how dynamic the Why Science Learning System really is and how easily it can be implemented into your classroom.

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