The 7 Core Values of the Original Kemetic Yoga Practice


The 7 Core Values of the Original Kemetic Yoga Practice
  1. The 7 Core Values of The YogaSkills Method of Kemetic Yoga
    Below are the 7 Core Values of the YSM system of Kemetic Yoga that all certified Kemetic Yoga instructors are expected to know and emulate in their practice and teaching.
    1. Lineage: The YSM system of Kemetic Yoga is based upon the original and authentic philosophy and practices of the sages of ancient Kemet. This was the first system of Kemetic Yoga developed in the United States during the 1970s using primary research methods of translating the MDW NTR (ancient hieroglyphic texts), experimentation with the movements and postures observed on ancient Kemetic artifacts in order to perfect the practices (commonly called asanas) and interpretation of the ancient Kemetic symbols to demonstrate their connection with Yogic concepts that evolved later in India. The system of Kemetic Yoga emerged from Dr. Asar Hapi when it was originally called “Egyptian Yoga” and Master Yirser Ra Hotep who coined the term “Kemetic Yoga” in reference to the correct name for ancient Egypt. Master Yirser Ra Hotep continued to develop the Kemetic Yoga system and founded the YogaSkills Method or YSM as a means of codifying the practices into a system that adheres to high levels of standards for all Yoga whether they be Kemetic or Indian. Master Yirser Ra Hotep holds the trademark for the term “Kemetic Yoga”.
    2. Inclusion: The YSM system of Kemetic Yoga is open to all persons regardless of race as long as they respect the system and adhere to the standards it represents
    3. Cosmology: The YSM system of Kemetic Yoga recognizes the fundamentals of African cosmology that orders the universe as emanating from a supreme creative force that is omnipotent, omniscient and unknowable but is the universal Mind or the All. In Kemet this force is called NTR. The forces called NTRU who are often called gods and goddesses carry out the functions of creation. Metaphor and myth was used as an ancient learning device to speak about the nature, function and purpose of these divine forces. In the hierarchy of universal forces the ancestors following the NTRU in importance with humans coming after. We use our practice of Kemetic Yoga and meditation as a means of
    making connection with the ancestors and NTRU. Our ultimate goal in our practice is to REALIZE our true nature (NTR) as a divine spiritual entity that is in union with the universal forces and to ACTUALIZE our potential while in the human form to eventually return to our place amongst the ancestors and the NTRU. It is important that we become familiar with the NTRU, mimic their divine natures in our thoughts and behavior and meditate, pray and make offerings to our ancestors.
    4. Maat: The governing principle of the universe is Maat. Maat presumes that there is an underlying order to everything that exists and that our purpose in life is to discover that order and incorporate it into our thinking and behavior as the foundation of spirituality. Our purpose in the practice of the YSM system of Kemetic Yoga is to discover and create Maat in everything that we do.

    5. Veganism: The YSM system of Kemetic Yoga advocates complete vegan diet supplemented with the consumption of superfoods that are easy to digest but deliver maximum nutritional energy for building internal life force. Food (fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and superfoods) should be eaten in it’s raw/uncooked state as much as possible to preserve it’s healing, nutritious and energetic qualities whenever possible. Fasting and cleansing should done at least four times per year in conjunction with the changing of the seasons. Yoga should be practiced on an empty stomach. Our practice of veganism is rooted in ancient Kemetic texts that advised those on a higher path towards enlightenment to refrain from the consumption of all animal products including fish.
    6. Rule of Four Breathing: The foundation of our practice is the proper method of controlled deep breathing. We use R4B in order to stimulate the parasympathetic functions of the mind and physiology, to develop concentration and self-control, and to properly facilitate the flow of internal life force through the energy channels. R4B consists of inhalation, void (holding of the breath for 1 to 2 seconds), exhalation and another void before the next inhalation. Our goal over time is to experience the void or empty space for an extended period of time during meditation. This void is called Sep Tepy in the Kemetic creation story and signifies the void in universal time before the process of creation and thus time began. We apply R4B when performing all movements and postures, breathing exercises and meditation in order to facilitate the flow of energy through the energy channels. Energy moves up the central SHU channel of the spine (Sushumna according the Indians) on the inhalation and down the arms into the hands and fingers and the down the legs into the feet on the exhalation.
    7. Geometric Progression: In our practice of movements and postures we adhere to the principle of Geometric Progress (GP). GP recognizes the sacred geometry that is at the heart of the unfolding creative process. Each step in a posture or movement is coordinated with a breath (either inhalation or exhalation). Each movement/breath is done with the intention of moving energy through the internal energy channels. Using R4B in conjunction of GP is the BEST method of achieving maximum benefit from any practice of Yoga. Ritual and symbolism in movements and postures are subservient to the role of energy flow and correct biomechanics of the body.
