The Empowering Through Beauty Expo has the right formula which we must protect, preserve and promulgate. The light of exquisite illumination shines from the inside and can be harnessed from the outside at each of the Empowering Through Beauty events.
This type of opportunity amply generates that radiant energy is available for all to partake.
Your personal business, your business, your body business, your facial business, your hair business, your head to toe business, your private business, your community business, your family business (lost cousins , black sheep, white sheep, prodigal sons and prodigal daughters), and your hidden business is loved , talked about, witnessed to and lovingly shared and nurtured at the every Empowering Through Beauty event.
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Haters are welcome for they will emerge as lovers.
Do not despair if you missed the most recent community collective of people of goodwill coming together for the greater good and creating a better will for all. This will is not just to be written down and read by your family members for the distribution of goodies upon your transition.
This will is jointly written in the hearts and minds of those in attendance with the benefits to be distributed not only while on site but to be taken into the world.
Their is a vision and it has been shared and will be shared. Stay tuned and in the meantime kudos to all involved and see ya next time !
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