Astrology Forecast for May 18-24, 2014 | Living Wisdom

Astrology Forecast for May 18-24, 2014 | Living Wisdom
Our first step this week is to become really inspired by the energy and love that we all are capable of sharing. In this week's chart, the sun, which represents the self, is located in the astrological house of inspiration, love, and creativity. The chart is charged with much creative and peaceful Libra energy.
This week it is essential to reflect simply and deeply on the Light and love we all have within us, as well as the energy trail that we leave behind us. Ask yourself, if I leave the world tomorrow, how would I be remembered? What Light would I leave behind? Please be sure to do this exercise without melancholy! There is so much energy available right now. The goal is to get a good boost, not end up in total despair! This is an amazing time to more clearly perceive our unique gifts, many of which are still unknown to us.
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first step this week is to become really inspired by the energy and
love that we all are capable of sharing. In this week's chart, the sun,
which represents the self, is located in the astrological house of
inspiration, love, and creativity. The chart is charged with much
creative and peaceful Libra energy.

This week it is essential to
reflect simply and deeply on the Light and love we all have within us,
as well as the energy trail that we leave behind us. Ask yourself, if I
leave the world tomorrow, how would I be remembered? What Light would I
leave behind? Please be sure to do this exercise without melancholy!
There is so much energy available right now. The goal is to get a good
boost, not end up in total despair! This is an amazing time to more
clearly perceive our unique gifts, many of which are still unknown to

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first step this week is to become really inspired by the energy and
love that we all are capable of sharing. In this week's chart, the sun,
which represents the self, is located in the astrological house of
inspiration, love, and creativity. The chart is charged with much
creative and peaceful Libra energy.

This week it is essential to
reflect simply and deeply on the Light and love we all have within us,
as well as the energy trail that we leave behind us. Ask yourself, if I
leave the world tomorrow, how would I be remembered? What Light would I
leave behind? Please be sure to do this exercise without melancholy!
There is so much energy available right now. The goal is to get a good
boost, not end up in total despair! This is an amazing time to more
clearly perceive our unique gifts, many of which are still unknown to

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