For IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Laurence Grotheer April 16, 2014 203-946-7660 (o); 203-676-6103 (c) MAYOR HARP TO ANNOUNCE ‘CITY YOUTH STAT’ INITIATIVE AT CITY HALL THURSDAY AFTERNOON REGULAR BRIEFINGS WILL HELP ASSIST AT-RISK YOUTH New Haven – Mayor Toni N. Harp will convene a press conference tomorrow afternoon to introduce the next step in her citywide campaign against street violence. Regular ‘City Youth Stat’ briefings will allow educators, law enforcement personnel, social service providers, and officials from other local and state agencies to monitor truancy, school suspensions, arrests, probation violations, and other indicators of high-risk behavior in young people. In addition, regular updates about the availability of alternative, productive programming will be shared among those attending ‘City Youth Stat’ briefings. Mayor Harp’s press conference will be at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, April 17 on the second floor of City Hall – 165 Church Street in New Haven. Members of the press corps are invited to attend and encouraged to cover this event. ● Who: Mayor Toni Harp, Superintendent of Schools Garth Harries, Police Chief Dean Esserman, Fire Chief Allyn Wright and other key figures in the mayor’s campaign against street violence. ● What: Announcement and description of the mayor’s ‘City Youth Stat’ initiative, to include regular briefings that will help city officials monitor high-risk behavior and assist those disengaged young people. ● When: Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. ● Where: Second Floor of New Haven City Hall: 165 Church Street. ● Why: To launch the next phase in the mayor’s citywide campaign against street violence, to include this sustained approach and provide assistance to those young people who seem to be engaged in higher-risk activities and behaviors. ###