The Long Walk Of Nelson Mandela | FRONTLINE | PBS

The Long Walk Of Nelson Mandela | FRONTLINE | PBS
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Today, the world is remembering the life and impact of one of the 20th century's greatest leaders.

In the wake of Nelson Mandela's passing, we've made FRONTLINE's The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela available to watch online for the first time.

But there's much more from FRONTLINE to explore:
Our interactive Facebook timeline traces Mandela's upbringing, time in prison and crusade to end apartheid in the country he loved.
His letters to Winnie: In prison, Mandela was allowed to send letters once every six months. Read the heartfelt letters he sent his wife.
The definitive interviews: Stories and insights from Mandela's closest colleagues, fellow prisoners, friends and political adversaries.
His legacy on HIV/AIDS: Read an interview with a prominent South African AIDS activist.
South Africa's 1995 world cup victory: Mandela described it as the happiest day in his life; watch an excerpt from the film.

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