Dr. Martin Luther King Day Schedule | Events : Yale Peabody Museum
Auditorium (3rd Floor)
Sunday, January 19, Noon to 4:30 pm
World Stage Performances (Great Hall of Dinosaurs)1:00–1:30 | Neighborhood Music School Premier Jazz Ensemble |
2:00–2:40 | African Arawak Connection |
3:00–3:30 | Hamden Academy of Dance & Music |
3:45–4:30 | Kouffin Kanecke Company — Traditional West African dance and drumming performance |
Auditorium (3rd Floor)
12:30–3:30 | "Sitting at the Table of Equality: Teen Involvement in Food justice" —Teen Summit |
4:00–5:00 | Another Way Is Possible: Forging a Path to Preserving a Sustainable Planet With Jacqueline Patterson |
Storytelling (New Haven Museum, 114 Whitney Avenue)
12:45–1:30 | Karen Johnson — “Baba, the Farmer” and “Butterflies Should Be Free” |
1:45–2:30 | Joy Donaldson — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Word and Song |
2:45–3:30 | Waltrina Kirkland Mullins — "Remembering Martin!... and More!" |
Monday, January 20, 10:00 am to 4:30 pm
World Stage Performances (Great Hall of Dinosaurs)11:00–11:40 | White-Eyed Lizard — Caribbean steel drum island music |
12:15–1:00 | Taikoza — Japanese drumming |
1:15–1:30 | Solar Youth Drummers |
2:00–2:40 | Brian Jarawa Gray and Friends |
3:00–3:30 | Nation Drill Squad Youth Program |
3:45–4:30 | Michael Mills — Drumming performance and drum circle finale |
Auditorium (3rd Floor)
11:00–12:30 | Zannette Lewis Environmental and Social Justice Community Poetry Open Mic — An opportunity for people of all ages to share their original poetry or rap and speak their minds on issues of justice and injustice. Pre-registration required. |
1:00–4:30 | Annual Invitational Zannette Lewis Environmental and Social Justice Poetry Slam. Invited Poetry Slam Participants: Christopher Caligas, Christopher Johnson, L.NuNuu, Aaron Jafferis, Jashua Sa-Ra, Porsha O., J.F.Seary, M.A. Hustleman John 1:1, Mind Evolution, Influence, Danny Matos, Nichole Acosta, Chelcee Lorraine, Rico Frederick, Camonghe Felix, Rachael Finley |